What is Hypnobirthing?!

What is Hypnobirthing?!

I like to describe Hypnobirthing in terms of a wedding cake (bear with me!). It has layers. There are many misconceptions around what Hypnobirthing is (admittedly the name is pretty misleading) so I am going to break it down for you. This is Hypnobirthing, 'Bun in the Oven' style! I'd love you to picture a 3-tiered cake ...

1. First imagine the bottom tier - THE BASE LAYER - this is the foundation of the cake and in terms of Hypnobirthing it is solid antenatal education. I will be teaching you how your body functions in labour - what body parts are involved, the muscles, the hormones - what ACTUALLY happens and how it might look and feel both from the inside and the outside. Your body is designed perfectly to grow and birth a baby and once you see how it all works, your mind will be blown! This will give you a solid foundation of knowledge and massively help you understand what is going on during labour and birth. It will demystify birth and make it much less of a scary unknown.

2. Now picture the next tier up -THE SECOND LAYER- this is skills and techniques - your 'toolkit'. Once you know how your body flows and functions in birth, you then need tools for both you and your birth partner to apply during labour. I will be teaching you lots of tools to make your body and mind as calm and comfortable and confident as possible. You will learn to tune into and work with your body, which is a total gamechanger.

3. And finally - THE TOP LAYER - this is about how you feel about your birth and how confidently you navigate the birthing 'system'. There is a HUGE mind-body connection when it comes to labouring - your mind can be your biggest cheerleader or completely undermine you. Hypnobirthing will be enormously helpful in preparing you mentally for labour, building on your confidence and self-belief and empowerment. This is YOUR birth and you lead the way. You CAN do this! You will also gain a great understanding of how the NHS works and how to navigate any decision making you may need to do.

And in a nutshell, that it it! Beautifully simple and beautifully effective.

Want to find out more?! Grab my free mini course and start building your confidence, knowledge and skills today.

You got this!

Linda x