Traumatic Birth Recovery 3-Step Rewind
Are you struggling with birth trauma or difficult memories from your birth?
I don’t want to use sensational language or assume I know how you feel about your birth, but sometimes we are left feeling triggered by our birth experience and the memories continue to impact on us in a negative way.
This is tough.
But I can help.
I have been blown away by the positive impact Traumatic Birth Recovery 3-Step Rewind has had on the clients I have worked with at helping them recover from birth trauma.
With the 3 step rewind, we are working with your subconscious brain. Many of us don’t realise it, but it is your subconscious brain that essentially runs the show.
All our experiences are filed and categorised and held in the brain as a memory. They are packed away to help with survival - they help us respond to danger or pleasure and essentially aid us in staying alive. Our responses and emotions feed from it.
When we have a difficult experience, sometime we find the memory of it remains dominant and leaves us stuck in the fear response. Every time we think about our birth experience, we have an adrenaline fuelled / anxious reaction.
Can you relate?
The 3 step programme helps you to gently detach these memories from your subconscious brain and enables you to let go of the physical response you have when you think about them. You get to keep your memories but you will notice the way you respond to them is different.
How it works:
3 sessions (usually held over zoom)
Session 1: Preparation.
You can talk about your birth if you would like to (but you don’t have to. The technique will work either way). We then do a gorgeous guided relaxation which is recorded and you can listen to again.
Session 2: Rewind.
One week later we will go through the TBR Rewind process. This involves a guided visualisation of your memories whilst in a deeply relaxed state. This will help you to reframe your experiences, without the overwhelming feelings which would normally accompany these memories. We will move on to visualising yourself in the future, feeling confident and doing well. This will take about 60 minutes
Session 3: Review.
One week later we will complete the final step where we will revisit and consolidate any personal insights and transformations you have gained from the previous session. We do a third guided relaxation which helps you move on.
It has been incredibly effective at helping my clients move on from their difficult birth.
If you want to ask questions please do reach out or you can book right now and then I'll be in touch to set up the sessions. It is £150 in total for the 3 sessions.