Pregnancy Self Care Audit

Pregnancy Self Care Audit

Fancy doing a little audit of your pregnancy self-care?

This is a diagram I put together for my class and it helps you zoom in a little on yourself.
In a nutshell self care is nourishment... replenishment... putting back in. It is anything that restores, sustains or 'improves' you. We give and we give and we go and we go and the possibility of burnout is real. Self care helps us cope, recover, it acts as a buffer against stress and it can help us flourish 🌱.
The idea behind this diagram is to zoom in on the areas you feel you would most like to build upon. Which circle(s) are you most drawn to? Then what action can you take to improve your self-care in that area? Draw this out and then annotate it with what you are already doing and also what you would LIKE to be doing.
You may really want to focus on a skill or activity, or perhaps improve your quality of sleep. Only pick an area that you feel aligned with and make sure it feels authentic - this is purely for you! I would pick a max of two areas to work on at any one time.
If having an example helps ... my personal goals around self-care at the moment are around movement and nutrition. I am going for a walk everyday and I'm using this as an opportunity for reflection and headspace and I'm making a conscious effort to eat better as an act of love to myself rather than a punishment or depriving myself. I only set myself these goals last week and I'm already feeling the benefit both mentally and physically. (Whoop!).
You may also like to use the template below to help you.
Much love, Linda x