FREE Hypnobirthing Class
Watch my free class, called 'How to Have The Best Birth'
How are you feeling about birth right now?
Would you like to feel excited, confident and totally prepared? Then you HAVE to watch the Masterclass!
In the class I cover:
- How to transform your birth experience.
- Breathing for birth (TOTAL game changer. Trust me)
- Massage techniques (Oh yes!)
- How to relax and let your body do the hard work.
- The chance to watch a really positive birth. (Prepare to be inspired!).
Simply click below to have the link sent to you for the pre-recorded class. It will take you to checkout but no payment details will be taken as it is a free product. Enjoy!
Birth Blend - FAQs
If we haven't answered your question, just drop us a line here.
What are the ingredients?
The essential oil is just that - pure essential oils. Nothing else is added.
The candle is the same essential oil blend, just added to a high-quality, soy wax candle.
The spritz is made from essential oils blended with perfumers alcohol. The perfumers alcohol evaporates and is completely safe to use on the skin, though this spritz is intended for spraying on pillows, clothing, scarves etc.
Do you ship outside the UK?
Sadly not as the duty and tax is incredibly high on fragrance products.
How much is delivery?
It's free!