The 'Hypno' part of Hypnobirthing ... and no, I'm not going to hypnotise you! (soz)

Oooh! So do you get hypnotised in Hypnobirthing?!

Ummm ... sorry to disappoint, but not really!

BUT you do learn how to PROPERLY and DEEPLY relax which is a TOTAL gamechanger for birth. 

Today's 5 minutes is all about the 'hypno' part of Hypnobirthing and how learning to switch off and relax can totally transform your birth.

Let's do this ... 

Right. Now you 'get' it, I'd love you to settle back for another 5 minutes and enjoy a relaxation (I MASSIVELY encourage you NOT to skip this). This one is called 'The Waterfall' and it is beautifully calming. This is the best bit! Relaxation is just so good for you.
Settle back and press play. Enjoy.


How did you get on?! Don't overthink it. It is so normal if you had thoughts come and go as you listened. The magic in this is regularly taking the time to listen to relaxations so you get better and better at switching your 'thinking brain' off. 

In my full course and in The Hypnobirthing Handbook and digital course you get lots of other gorgeous audios to listen to.

Anything you want to ask? Please do contact me.

You got this.
Linda xx
Ps: can't wait to share the last instalment with you tomorrow. 
Pps: remember, this is just the tip of the iceburg, I'm here to continue you teach you and get your thoroughly prepped and confident for YOUR positive birth. Check out the links below.