Group Hypnobirthing Course - Chelmsford
Deposit Price £50
Full Price £279
Fearing or feeling apprehensive about birth is completely normal. But there is SO MUCH that you can do to help you feel prepared, informed and birth ready.
Did you know that fear of birth is the number one factor that causes birth to be a difficult experience?
I will give you the knowledge and skills you need to get you birthing calmly and comfortably. I will also help you navigate the NHS systems to make sure you have the BEST birth for you.
Let's do this!
I've taught over 1000 women over the last 10 years, and I come highly recommended by midwives. I only have 5 star reviews... so I promise you, you are in very safe hands.
How does the group course work and where is it?
My group courses are deliberately kept small (a maximum of 6 couples / birthing teams) and I teach in a fabulous little venue called The Cheerful Chai Cafe in Chelmsford. (The cafe is for our exclusive use during classes but of course there will still be refreshments... and homemade cake!)
Many couples like to stay in touch beyond their births, much like an NCT class.
How long is the course?
Your group course will be taught over 4 sessions of 2.5 hours. If there's ever a time you can't make a session in person, you can join over Zoom or I can send you a recording.
When should I book the course?
I recommend joining a group any time from 20 weeks pregnant.
The courses do fill up quickly, so book promptly to avoid missing your ideal slot. You can learn hypnobirthing at any time up until your birth, but starting around 20 weeks is ideal as it'll give you more time to establish your techniques.
How much is the course?
The cost of a group course is £279 (a £50 deposit is taken upon booking). This includes all materials, ongoing support... and homemade cake! You are welcome to pay in instalments if this helps.
Upcoming Courses:
March: Sundays 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd March 5 - 7.30 pm - 1 PLACE AVAILABLE
- April: INTENSIVE (Same course just across 2 dates) Sundays 13th & 27th April 2 - 7.30 pm
- May: Sundays 4th, 11th, 18th and 1st June 5 - 7.30 pm
- June: Sundays 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th 5 - 7.30 pm
Choose your class dates, fill in the form below, then add to cart and pay the deposit. And I'll be in touch! I can't wait to meet you.